4.1 Missing races
4.2 Connection & Lag
4.3 Pulling out mid-season
4. Participation:
4.1 Missing races:
● If you are unable to attend a race, you have to give notice for your absence before the race starts. This is done by informing your League Coordinator of your situation, either by sending them a private message or by making a post in the official race thread. It is your responsibility to make sure the Coordinator gets your message.
● When informing the Coordinator of your absence, a proper reason must be given for why you can't attend. No-showing a race because you don't like the track, simply saying 'I can't race this week', or other similar reasons are not accepted and will be marked as an uninformed absence.
● When informing the Coordinator of your absence, it must be you who contacts the Coordinator, not a friend or fellow member of the tier. Additionally, sufficient notice should be given. For example, 15 minutes before the lobby is set up is not sufficient notice. Letting the Coordinator know after the race will be marked down as uninformed absence unless an acceptable reason is given.
● If you get marked for an uninformed absence, you will be given a reprimand. As per the reprimand system (see section 5.4), accumulating 3 reprimands would see you removed from the league.
● Getting another driver to race under your name is also prohibited and will result in serious punishment.
4.2 Connection & Lag:
● It's an unfortunate aspect of online racing that having a stable connection is critical to being able to race closely with other cars. While we understand that not everyone can have a perfect connection, and that occasional lag can't be avoided, we reserve the right to remove a driver from the league if their connection is persistently causing major issues for other drivers.
● To be accepted into a league, your connection's ping towards a UK-located server needs to be lower than 150ms. We may also give drivers with ping up to 200ms a chance, but on a trial basis until it's proven that their connection can cope.
4.3 Pulling out mid-season:
● If you have to pull out of the league while the season is ongoing, you must inform your League Coordinator about the situation. If you leave by simply not showing up for the races, without informing anyone, you will be placed on the blacklist, which means you will not be allowed to rejoin the leagues in the future.
● It's impossible for us to stop you from leaving if you've made your mind up, but keep in mind when signing up that pulling out of the league without a proper reason while the season is ongoing will see you placed on the blacklist. A proper reason would be something happening in your life that forces you to quit - something that you didn't expect when signing up - or that your equipment (hardware or lag issues) render you unable to carry on. However, choosing to quit due to getting bored of the game, having a bad season or because something goes against you, is not a good reason. Remember, when signing up you commit yourself to racing for a full season, not only for a few races.
● If you find yourself in a situation where you're not enjoying your league because all other drivers are too quick or too slow compared to yourself, contact a member of the F1 Team rather than just giving up, and maybe we can find a solution. We may grant league swaps for drivers during the season if it's clear that they've been misplaced, given that this doesn't upset the balance between the leagues in terms of driver numbers.
● Note that the above rules only apply while the season is ongoing. We obviously don't have a problem with drivers choosing to leave after a season has finished, for whatever reason.